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Chung-Ang University (CAU) Designated as an Innovative Convergence University in the Advanced Materials/Nano Convergence Field

관리자 2024-06-14 Views 1669

- New selection for local government participation to cultivate talent in high-tech fields, with KRW 40.8 billion government support over 4 years

- A consortium, composed of Gangwon-do, Kangwon National University, Hannam University, Kumoh Institute of Technology, and Inha Technical College in cooperation with Chung-Ang University, is formed

Chung-Ang University (CAU, President Park Sang-gue) will train talented individuals who will lead the field of advanced materials and nano convergence with government support amounting to KRW 40.8 billion over four years.

Recently, CAU was selected for the Convergence and Open Sharing System (COSS)’s local government participation project hosted by the Ministry of Education, and would receive KRW 10.2 billion in annual government financial support for four years.

The COSS project promotes convergence, openness, and cooperation among universities to cultivate talent in the high-tech field at the national level. Since this project falls under the local government participation type, non-metropolitan local governments and five or more universities must form a consortium. Its goal is for universities to utilize the high-tech resources of local governments in the implementation of their curriculum, and to encourage these high-tech talents participating in the project to settle in the region.

CAU is the host university of this project. A large consortium in the central region was formed with Kangwon National University, Hannam University, Kumoh Institute of Technology, and Inha Technical College, and joined hands with Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province, which has been very supportive in nurturing high-tech industries. The five-university consortium, with approximately 66,000 enrolled students, plans to train talents in the advanced materials and nano convergence field, and then lead the cutting-edge manufacturing industry as the basis for the convergence platforms promoted by Gangwon-do, including new material resources/mobility, digital health/bio, smart life/tourism, and green energy. 

Participating universities decided to form a close exchange and cooperation system to cultivate professional talent in high-tech fields and reflect the demands of the industry. The schools will establish a curriculum and develop subjects, expand convergence majors in connection with micro degrees, and increase the participation of industry professionals. They also plan to share the curriculum with overseas universities and to incorporate results to their respective educational programs.

Park Gwangyong, VP of Academic Affairs at CAU (professor of chemical engineering), in charge of the project, said, “From a developmental perspective, we plan to share the capabilities and infrastructure of Gangwon-do with the schools participating in the consortium. We will train professionals to become the best in the fields of advanced materials and additive manufacturing.”

Park Sang-gue, president of CAU, said, “Advanced materials, nano convergence, and 3D printing technology are considered key foundational technologies in creating innovation in manufacturing technology and its products. As the president of the host university that oversees the consortium, I will do my best to establish a sharing and cooperation system among local governments, universities, and companies, and to train more creative convergence talent.”