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글자 확대축소 영역

New Chung-Ang Declared!

The renewed CAU’s university identity uses English letters as a means of communication with the global world.
The letters CAU, the initials of Chung-Ang University as well as the domain of the school’s homepage (www.cau.ac.kr), are presented in dynamic brush writing, highlighting Chung-Ang’syouthful vigor with a new leap forward.

To renew its identity and enhance its progressive image, CAU released its new UI on Oct. 11, 2012, marking the 84th anniversary of its foundation.

Download the Illustration File (for expert use)

Symbols in the UI

Red Frame
The red square symbolizes the window to future, through which Chung-Ang continues its quest for truth. In contrast with the blue letters, the red frame makes a strong visual impact, giving an edge to the image.
Blue Brush Writing
The blue color signifies the Han River embracing high ideals; the energetic and active spirit of Chung-Ang University; and its commitment to being a world-class university.
Logo Type
The letters ‘CAU’ are in a unique font specially designed for Chung-Ang. This simple yet balanced logo represents the university’s professionalism and trustworthiness. To renew its identity and enhance its progressive image, CAU released its new UI on Oct. 11, 2012, marking the 84th anniversary of its foundation.

Color Versions

white background
blue background
Against a red backdrop
Against a light gray backdrop

CAU colors

Pantone : 2945C
Process Color : Cyan 90% + Magenta 50%
RGB : R33% + G85% + B164%
Pantone : 032C
Process Color : Magenta 100% + Yellow 100%
RGB : R255%
Pantone : Pantone Cool Gray 8
Process Color : Black 55%
RGB : R102% + G102% + B102%
Pantone : 427C
Process Color : Black 10%
RGB : R230% + G230% + B230%
Pantone : 877C
Pantone : 873C