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Successful Completion of the CAU International Winter Program 2022 by the Office of International Affairs

관리자 2023-02-16 Views 1227


CAU International Winter Program 2022 hosted by the Office of International Affairs has been successfully completed.

The Winter Program by the Office of International Affairs is a program that invites students from around the world and introduces the Korean language and culture. The Office held this international program in the winter from January 31 to February 10, following the International Summer Program last year with great interest.


About 80 students from 17 affiliated schools in five countries participated in the program. Through exchanges with the student staff of CAU, they had time to learn the Korean language and get to know Korean culture. Also, they had a chance to explore Korean culture through special lectures on Korean culture and society, and cultural experiences.


The survey after the program shows that 92.1% of the participants were satisfied enough to express their intention to recommend this winter program to others. Satisfaction with the lectures and instructors was also high, as 97.4% of the students answered they were 'Extremely satisfied' or 'Very satisfied'.

The Office said "We hope the participating students of the International Winter Program from various countries return to their home countries with good memories of our university and Korea. We expect them to contribute to active exchanges between the universities in the future."