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Chung-Ang University(CAU) Will Train High-Quality HR Based on ESS Big Data

관리자 2024-06-19 Views 11109

- Selected as “Energy HR Development Project” by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning

- Won the “ESS big data-based O&M asset management human resources training” project set to receive “KRW 7 billion support over 5 years”

- With CAU in the lead, Chungnam National University and Hanyang University will come together and establish an industry-academic cooperation system with Hyosung Heavy Industries and others

Chung-Ang University (CAU, President Park Sang-gue) will begin training high-quality human resources to implement economic sustainability and asset management technology advancement based on the big data of energy storage systems (ESS), to be mobilized by a KRW 7 billion government funding over 5 years.

The “ESS Big Data-based O&M Asset Management HR Training Project Group” was launched when CAU was selected for the “Energy HR Training Project” organized by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) and the Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP).. 

It is a government-funded project designed to cultivate high-quality professional personnel at the master's and doctoral levels in order to meet the energy industry’s demand. The project’s goal is to train innovative talents in the energy technology field to lead the carbon-neutral era and lay the foundation for the energy industry.

As CAU succeeded in winning the contract for the project in the field of education and training and industrial advancement, it formed a special group for the project. Professors Park Sehyun, Ko Joonghyuk and Kim Jooheon from the Department of Intelligent Energy and Industry at CAU will join the group. The group will secure world-class ESS big data-based O&M asset management technology and train practical convergence personnel equipped with ESS big data management and utilization technology, ESS facility failure pre-diagnosis technology, and risk-based facility asset management technology.

CAU joined hands with Chungnam National University and Hanyang University to cultivate high-quality personnel in the ESS field. An industry-academia cooperation system was also established with companies, including Hyosung Heavy Industries, Cosmo Advanced Materials, S&S, G2Power, Top Materials, and Hunate. The group plans for cross-study courses at each university and field training, and sharing educational programs to train individuals sought after by the industry. It also plans to carry out projects to resolve technical difficulties based on cooperation between universities and companies, exchange internships, and promote paradigm changes in the energy industry.

Park Sehyun, head of the project group, said, “The ESS Big Data-based O&M Asset Management HR Training Project Group seeks to become a global research hub that opens up new possibilities for future ESS core technologies. We plan to actively cooperate with experts in ESS big data, battery asset management, and ESS O&M materials to lead the advancement of the ESS industry and open a new horizon for the sustainable energy industry. We will not only solve specific problems that arise in the field, but also develop new technologies and business models that can be applied to actual systems and services.”