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The Student Council of CAU Da Vinci Campus Donates Spring Cultural Event Proceeds to CAU and Environmental Organization

관리자 2024-04-08 Views 291

The student council of the Da Vinci Campus of Chung-Ang University (CAU) donated development funds to environmental organizations and CAU.



Donated by the Da Vinci Campus’s 66th Student Council “Youth,” the proceeds were from the “Spring Cultural Event with ESG and SDGs” held from the 3rd to the 4th of this month. 

The Da Vinci Campus Student Council planned and held a spring cultural event in line with programs for sustainable future and environmental protection. Considering the purpose of the event, it says it donated a portion of the proceeds from the sale of the ESG version of President's 4-Cut and goods to an environmental organization and the CAU.

The donation was made in two parts. On Arbor Day last April 5th, the council donated KRW 1 million to the environmental protection organization, Forest for Life. On the 22nd, Earth Day, the council donated KRW 1 million in development funds to CAU. 

It is considered greatly meaningful that the student council donated the proceeds from the event anchored on the theme of sustainable values to a development fund for sustainable management of environmental organization and CAU. It is said that the donation will serve as a catalyst for raising students' awareness for ESG and building a sustainable society.

Gyuran Yoon, president of the Da Vinci Campus Student Council, said, “ESG activities are an important element for our green future. We decided to donate to an environmental organization and CAU in consideration of the purpose of the spring cultural event. The Da Vinci Campus will continue to contribute to the development of our school and the local community through diverse sustainable activities.”