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CAU Gets in Highest Rank Group on University Innovation Support Project’s Annual Performance Evaluation

관리자 2020-06-12 Views 619


Chung-Ang University received the highest grade of “A” from the University Innovation Support Project’s first year performance evaluation report. The University Innovation Support Project is a government support program scheduled from 2019 to 2021 in an aim to improve basic capabilities of Korean universities and help them specialize in areas of strength in response to future changes in society. In recognition of excellence in implementing the action plans of “CAU2030,” the university’s mid- and long-term development strategy, CAU received the highest grade of A, meaning it ranked in the top 30% of 131 participants.

Government funds for the 2nd and 3rd year of the program will differ depending on the 1st and 2nd year results. Universities receiving grade A will be granted 120% of the previous year’s funds in the following year (Grade B: 100%; Grade C: none).

“We will make our best efforts to build a foundation for CAU to become one of the world’s leading universities by taking this program as an opportunity to develop curriculums to prepare our students to become a future leader,” said Provost Joonki Paik, Director of the program at CAU. In particular, CAU is considered a prime example of how a university should respond to the Covid-19 outbreak as the Learning Innovation Committee (Director: Song Hae-Deok) and the Center for Teaching & Learning (Director: Hong Ah-Jeong) played a major role in proactively moving courses online in the face of Covid-19.

The 1st year results of the annual evaluation are as follows:

- Participants: 53 universities

- Grade A (16 universities): Catholic University of Korea, Kyung Hee University, Korea University, Dongguk University, Sangmyung University, Sungkyunkwan University, Sookmyung Women’s University, Ajou University, Ewha Womans University, Incheon National University, Inha University, Chung-Ang University, Korea Polytechnic University, Korea Aerospace University, Hanyang University,

- Grade B (26 universities): Konkuk University, Kyonggi University, Kwangwoon University, Dankook University, Luther University, Sahmyook University, Seokyeong University, Seoul National University, Seoul Women’s University, Yonsei University, Hanshin University

- Grade C (11 universities)

(Source: http://news.unn.net)