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Prof. Lee Hyoung-Soon and Prof. Lee Giuk of School of Mechanical Engineering Are Selected as Principal Investigator of Projects of Samsung Electronics Research Funding Program

관리자 2019-07-11 Views 558


From Left: Prof. Lee Hyoung-soon, Prof. Lee Giuk

Prof. Lee Hyoung-Soon and Prof. Lee Giuk of School of Mechanical Engineering were selected to work on projects supported by the Samsung Research Funding & Incubation for Future Technology Program.

Since 2013, Samsung Electronics has carried out its research support program with an aim to reach a goal of developing technologies that seems impossible. As part of the program, it has continuously supported researchers by running a research contest three times a year, while research topic areas are specified for two of them. On Nov 9, it announced 15 projects selected for an area-specific contest of this year’s edition.


Those 15 projects were selected from four topic areas: healthcare and diagnostic solutions, consumer robots, Innovative semiconductor materials and devices & process technology and next-gen display. It was exceptional that two of them were proposed by CAU School of Mechanical Engineering.


The project of Prof. Lee Hyoung-soon’s research team “Next-generation semiconductor packaging technology using diamond” is designed to develop thermal management technology for next-generation semiconductor packaging using diamond-based materials. Once developed, it will significantly change existing semiconductor materials and devices. The research team will receive an annual fund of 400 million KRW for three consecutive years, which totals 1.2 billion KRW.


The project of Prof. Lee Giuk’s research team “Development of next generation small actuator through unified-type design of ultra-small variable gravity compensation modules” is designed to unify gravity compensation modules and actuators by studying springs used for gravity compensation and force magnification mechanism separately. His team will receive an annual fund of 300 million KRW for three consecutive years, which totals 900 million KRW.


Meanwhile, CAU School of Mechanical Engineering made an exceptional achievement of having two research teams selected by the Samsung research funding program at the same time for the first time in the program’s history.