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CAU Ranks 7th in 2019 JoongAng Ilbo University Rankings

관리자 2019-11-18 Views 552

Chung-Ang University ranked 7th in the 2019 JoongAng Ilbo University Rankings, rising three places from last year.

It is particularly notable that CAU ranked 7th in the category of “faculty research” and 6th in “university reputation.” Experts believe that the rise in its rankings was driven by its high standing in “employment retention rate” (how students have achieved their career goals and the quality of employment), “international student ratio” (internationalization of universities) and “tuition to university’s spending on education ratio” (how active universities are for investing in improving their educational environment).

This year marks the 26th anniversary of the JoongAng Ilbo University Rankings, one of Korea’s leading university rankings. 56 universities, mostly 4-year universities were assessed for this year’s edition. The assessment is divided into three parts: comprehensive assessment, academic field assessment and education-oriented university assessment. Comprehensive assessment is focused on universities with four or more academic branches among the Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Arts & Sports and 50 universities were included. They were ranked based on 33 performance indicators which are grouped into four areas: faculty research, educational environment, education efforts & accomplishments and reputation (the highest total score: 300).


A CAU official said, “It is encouraging to see the rise in the ranking position along with the announcement of our new vision, CAU2030. We may have some weaknesses, but we will continue to complement them with all our Chung-Ang family.”