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Physics Student Kim Ye-lim Publishes Study Results in SCI Indexed Journal as First Author

관리자 2019-10-14 Views 876

Physics student Kim Ye-lim (4th grade) published her study results in an SCI-indexed journal as first author.


Kim Ye-lim of Department of Physics

The title of her article published in the SCI indexed journal Microwave and Optical Technology Letters (Volume 61) is “Wide frequency switchable microwave resonator by injecting eutectic gallium indium into microfluidic defected ground structure.”


Defected ground structure (DGS) resonators have been used for various microwave applications, such as filters, amplifiers, oscillators and antennas. Semiconductor switches have been used in DGS resonators for frequency tuning, but their frequency tuning range is limited. To overcome this drawback, Kim proposed using microfluidic channel for the first time in the world. She designed a frequency switchable microwave resonator based on a microfluidic defected ground structure that provides a wider frequency tuning ratio compared to existing ones.


Images of wide frequency switchable microwave resonator proposed by Kim

Since joining the Microwave Wireless Communication Lab led by Prof. Lim Sung-joon of the School of Electrical & Electronics Engineering in 2018, Kim has carried out research on microwave circuits and sensors. She also received an Outstanding Undergraduate Paper Award at the KIEES Summer Academic Conference held in Jeju Island last August for her research on a sensor for flaw detection in metallic materials. 


Meanwhile, she has been accepted into a CAU graduate school program that starts in 2020. “I appreciate all the support and help from Prof. Lim during the whole process of my research. I will work hard in graduate school to make meaningful results,” Kim said.