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CAU President Welcomes Delegation from Tamkang University

관리자 2019-10-07 Views 607

A delegation from Tamkang University, Chung-Ang University’s one of the partner universities, paid a visit to CAU on Sep 30 (Mon) to discuss further exchange measures.



CAU President Kim Chang-soo, Dean of College of Business and Economics Hong Chul-kyu and Head of International Affairs Team Mok Ki-hyun welcomed the delegation consisting of President Keh Huan-Chao, Vice President for International Affairs Wang Kao-Cheng, Chairman Tsai Tzong-Ru of the Department of Statistics and Dean Pao Cheng-Hao of the College of Global Development.


President Kim said, “Since 2014 when the two universities signed a student exchange agreement, we have continuously hosted delegations of university officials, faculty and students with an aim to promote exchange. Thank you for visiting us this year again. We have lots in common, from the size of the university to academic programs we offer. I hope we further deepen our exchange and cooperation in various areas including joint research and authorship as well as academic exchange.”



President Keh Huan-Chao replied, “Since my inauguration as the president of Tamkang University last October, Chung-Ang University has actively engaged in student exchange and maintained a close relationship with us. I did not hesitate to choose Chung-Ang University as the first destination of my official overseas visits as university president. Thank you for your warm hospitality. I look forward to seeing President Kim at the 70th anniversary ceremony of our university next year.”


Established in 1950, Tamkang University is located in Tamsui District, New Taipei City, Taiwan. Its beautiful campus is well known as a filming location of movies and tv drama series. Since 2014 when it signed a student exchange agreement with CAU, Tamkang University has sent its students for regular exchange programs as well as summer and winter programs each year.

Before the meeting took place, the Tamkang delegation looked around the state-of-the-art facilities of CAU including the MOOC Studio and Da Vinci Classroom in the Centennial Hall.