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CAU President Kim Attends 11th Korea-China University Presidents Forum

관리자 2019-07-03 Views 482


The 11th Korea-China University Presidents Forum was held from July 1 (Mon) to 2 (Tue) at Pusan National University. The forum was attended by university presidents, 27 from Korea and 12 from China, and high-ranking officials in higher education fields from both countries. From Chung-Ang University (CAU), President Kim Chang-soo and Vice President for International Affairs Hong Jun-hyun took part in the event.


Delegates from Korean and Chinese universities delivered presentations under the theme of “the Future of Korean and Chinese Higher Education in the Era of Globalization.” President Kim delivered his presentation first among the participants with a theme “Higher Education in the Future Society: Challenges and Response,” enhancing CAU’s reputation on the global stage and sharing the vision and strategies of CAU2030 with other participants.


Furthermore, he had an insightful discussion with delegates from prestigious Chinese universities including Yanbian University, Jilin University, Northeastern University, Tianjin University and Harbin Institute of Technology.