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Business School Students & Faculty from Coventry University in UK Visits CAU

관리자 2019-05-08 Views 624

Business School students and faculty members from Coventry University in England, one of Chung-Ang University (CAU)’s partner universities, paid a visit to CAU on April 19 (Fri).

Their visit was made upon Coventry University’s request as part of its Study Tour. CAU offered them a variety of programs including welcoming remarks by Vice President for International Affairs, introduction on CAU, a campus tour, a special lecture on Korean studies, and an exchange session with students of the CAU International Logistics Department.


Vice President for International Affairs Hong had a briefing session on CAU after delivering his welcoming remarks, saying, “We welcome all Coventry University students and hope you fully enjoy your stay on our campus.”

About 7,000 students from Coventry University are participating in ERASMUS scholarship programs annually. Although most of them are sent to universities in Europe, it is said that they are now showing a growing interest in Korean universities. CAU has signed a general agreement with Coventry University and the two universities are now in process of signing a student exchange agreement, which is expected to promote their student exchange.