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Sony’s Professional Products & Solutions Group President Hiroshi Kawano Visits CAU’s MOOC Studio and Da Vinci Classroom

관리자 2019-05-15 Views 1301

President Hiroshi Kawano of Professional Products & Solutions Group of Sony Imaging Products & Solutions Inc. paid a visit to Chung-Ang University (CAU) on May 10 (Fri). Sony Imaging Products & Solutions Inc. had signed an MOU with CAU to nurture students’ creativity so that they can be equipped with generalist skills like Da Vinci.


CAU has become the first Korean university to introduce Sony’s audio and visual devices and Vision Exchange solutions to its lecture rooms under an MOU on cooperation for innovation with Sony. The cases in point are its MOOC Studio and Da Vinci Classroom. 



President Kim Chang-soo showed President Hiroshi the MOOC Studio and Da Vinci Classroom in the Centennial Hall (Bldg. 310) after discussing ways to advance CAU’s education and university-industry collaboration models between CAU and Sony.


The meeting was attended by President Kim Chang-soo, President Hiroshi Kawano, Former President Ryoji Furuta of Sony Professional Solutions, Regional Director Hideaki Nakamura of Sony Professional Solutions along with major members of CAU including Executive Vice President for Administration Cho Sung-il, Director of Learning Innovation Committee Song Hae-deok, Director of Center for Curriculum Reform and Quality Assurance Hong Ah-jeong and Manager of Learning Innovation Support Team Seo Keon-kyo.



CAU’s Da Vinci Classroom (Room 815 and 908 in Bldg. 310) is a state-of-the-art classroom where students are encouraged to engage more in discussion, improve their problem-solving skills and share lectures with other universities home and abroad. The Lecture Consulting Room (B215 in Bldg. 310) is a place designed to help lecturers figure out what to improve in their teaching by monitoring their own and students’ performance and receive consultations. The Learning Consulting Room and SELF Studio (B214 in Bldg. 310) is a place designed to enhance cooperation for effective Da Vinci-style learning and equipped with infrastructure for content development and active Da Vinci-style learning. The Content Convergence Lounge (3rd floor of Bldg. 310) is a place for convergence research and education among faculty members from different areas and supporting students’ sharing of creative ideas.