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Office of International Affairs Held Incoming Exchange Student Farewell Ceremony & Outbound Exchange Student Fair

관리자 2023-01-05 Views 1591

A farewell ceremony for incoming exchange students was held, followed by a fair for the outbound exchange program. 


The Office of International Affairs hosted the ‘Farewell Ceremony for 2022-2nd Semester Incoming Exchange and Visiting Student’ on December 21, at Chung-Ang Art Hall.

This ceremony was prepared for the international students who completed the exchange program at Chung-Ang University (CAU) in the 2022-2nd semester. Some 200 students, which is more than half of the total 350 exchange students who completed the program, were on hand despite heavy snow. As of 2022, 830 students from affiliated universities are now visiting CAU as exchange students.


The ceremony kicked off with congratulatory remarks by Director Shin JB for the International Affairs Team, followed by a speech of the representative exchange student; presentation of the certificate; viewing commemorative video by GLAM (Global Ambassador); and taking a commemorative photo.

Director Shin congratulated the completion of exchange students, saying “I would like to appreciate exchange students who devoted to the internationalization of CAU on behalf of each country and university. Embracing cultural differences would be the first meaningful step as a global citizen.”

Representative exchange student Noe Hocine Gerard Berthaume (Paris West University Nanterre La Defense, France) shared “I enjoyed Korean culture and obtained cherishable memories throughout the exchange program. I want to thank you all whom I met at CAU.” 

After viewing a video prepared by GLAM and having a quiz game about CAU, the ceremony was wrapped up in a friendly atmosphere.

A day after the ceremony, the Office organized an orientation and a fair for outbound exchange students on December 22 and 23.

On the 22nd, an orientation for the participants of the government-sponsored ‘International Winter Program’ was held. Some 50 students who participate in this program will visit 5 affiliated universities, ▲Hosei University, Japan ▲ KEDGE, France ▲ Freie Universität Berlin, Germany ▲ ISCTE-IUL, Portugal ▲San Francisco State University, USA. After finishing the program, they will receive a government scholarship.

This orientation informed students of the process of receiving credits and notices to complete the program. After the orientation, prospective exchange students who are set to visit the same school had some time to group talk. 


On the 23rd, ‘The 2nd fair for 2023-2nd semester exchange and visiting students’ was held at Hall 310 from 6 pm.

The fair gave detailed application information to students who hope to participate in the program next 2nd semester, including the details about an online application that is planned to begin Jan 4, qualifications, and procedure.

It was informed that from this selection process, grade criteria, one of the qualifications, is going to be changed, easing the standard for application and that a real-time competition rate checking system has been developed and is available. The fair concluded with a Q&A session.

As such, the fair for 2023-2nd semester exchange and visiting students ended. Online application will open from Jan 4 to 10.